DuraNet@LLIN Specifications

1) Specification of physical Properties:

Specification Requirements Range Test Standards
Fiber Analysis 100% High density Polyethylene fibers ISO 1833:1977
Number of Filaments Monofilament
Linear Density 150 Denier Not less than 150 Denier ISO 2060 : 1994
Mesh 20 (holes per cm²) Minimum 20 (holes per cm²) ISO 7211/2: 1984
Fabric Weight(G.S.M) 45 gms / sq.mt +/- 10% ISO 3801 : 1977 / BS EN 12127 1998
Dimensional stability to washing Not more than 10% shrinkage and not more than 5% expansion in both directions Not more than 10% shrinkage and not more than 5% expansion in both directions Marking & Measuring – ISO 3759 (2007), Method of Washing – ISO 6330 (2001), Method of Calculation – ISO 5077 (1984).
Bursting strength of the fabric Not less than 400 kPa The average shall be not less than that declared ISO 13938/2: 1999
Bursting strength of the Seams If seams are present their average bursting strength shall be not less than the measured average for the fabric ISO 13938/2: 1999
Flammability Non-inflammable (Test EN1102)

After removing the ignition source the following fire phenomena should not occur:
– Ignition
– Propagation of the flame or glow
– Flaming debris
– Ignition of the filter paper

* Fulfilling the requirements above menas that the flame speed rate is 0 mm/s, i.e., no flame or
glow achieves first and third marker threads.
Formation of holes is allowed provided that the burnt or melted width and length of the holes does not exceed 50mm and 150mm, respectively.

EN 1102:2016

2) Specification for Chemical Properties:

Test Requirements Range Specification
Active ingredient – Alphacypermethrin content 5.8 g/kg (or) 261 mg/m² (or) 0.58% w/w +/- 25% 454/LN/M/3.2, CIPAC Handbook M, p.41, 2009.